It’s not unusual for newborns and infants to need a little help with breastfeeding. Breastfeeding problems may be caused by tight or restricted oral tissues or by an uncoordinated or under-responsive nervous system that is not properly integrating sensory inputs and motor (muscle) outputs. Pediatric dentists, such as Dr. Hila Robbins, are specially trained to look for and recognize these anatomical and functional issues and have a range of potential solutions to offer. One such solution is BabyLase, a non-invasive (non-surgical) therapeutic procedure using laser light. In Los Angeles, CA, pediatricians, lactation consultants, and pediatric dentists may recommend BabyLase may to “relax” tight or restricted tissues and help “turn on” reflexes, integrate nerve function, and improve oral function important to breastfeeding, such as latching, sucking, and swallowing.
Learn how BabyLase therapy for children works so you can prepare for the procedure.
Laser Light Is Administered
The BabyLase procedure uses a specific wavelength of highly focused (the technical term is “collimated”) light to relax tight or restricted tissues and to stimulate neural activity in a coordinated manner. Laser light is applied to the arms, hands, face, neck, and mouth. During a treatment session, the baby may feel a mild warmth from the light and will not be in any pain.
The Ability to Heal Improves
The type of laser light used for BabyLase procedures improves blood flow and can reduce restrictions to the fascial layer (bands or sheets of connective and supportive tissue) beneath the skin. The laser light also promotes tissue relaxation, pain reduction, and inflammation reduction. This allows the body to heal more effectively and alleviate the kinds of post-procedure complications associated with conventional, invasive procedures.
The Reflexes are Switched On
During a BabyLase procedure, laser light is directed in a specific sequence that stimulates the senses and improves nerve-muscle communication. The goal is to allow the baby’s reflexes and muscle function to flourish balanced.
Consult with a Pediatric Dentist
If you and your baby are experiencing difficulties with breastfeeding, ask your pediatric care team about BabyLase or contact Dr. Hila Robbins’ office to schedule a consultation. Dr. Robbins can determine if BabyLase is the right procedure or if other pediatric dentistry treatments are needed.