Pediatric Dentist in Los Angeles, CA
Patients & Parents Come First!

We provide a high level of individualized care and attention that our patients deserve and that parents expect and appreciate! Dr. Robbins, a pediatric dentist in Los Angeles, CA, and her staff are committed to spending the extra time with patients, parents, grandparents, and guardians to explain treatment plans, provide follow-up instructions, demonstrate at-home care, and oral exercises. They are always available to answer questions.
Security of Patient Information
Our office complies with the Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information (“Privacy Rule”), a national standard for protecting certain health information. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) issued the Privacy Rule to implement the requirement of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”). The Privacy Rule standards address individuals’ health information—called “protected health information” by organizations subject to the Privacy Rule. As additional protection of patient privacy, we have implemented a Non-Disclosure Agreement with all staff members.
We utilize a secure e-mail system (hosted by Enguard) and text system (hosted by Solutionreach) for communication and electronic transfer of protected health information. Our communication systems include secure, third-party e-mail and text servers, individual, password-protected e-mail accounts (free for patients), and automatic 128-bit encryption of all covered information.
Appointment Scheduling
We always strive to accommodate busy parents and kids with full schedules. Our foremost concern is to ensure that your child receives all the attention that he or she deserves. We rely upon our professional knowledge and years of experience to determine the optimal time of day for separate appointments, such as initial patient visits, routine check-ups, or operative procedures. When scheduling appointments, we take into account not only your calendar but also such factors as whether or not your child may be tired after a long day at school. Making an early-in-the-day visit less stressful, how much time is needed to perform and recover from an operative procedure, and whether our dental clinic is likely to be incredibly busy due to school vacations and holidays. We will do our best to meet your scheduling needs and always make special efforts for emergencies.
What About Emergencies?
If your child has an accident, a fall, or a sports-related injury involving the mouth, or a condition, such as oral swelling and redness, or a toothache, or symptoms such as oral discomfort, pain, bleeding, oozing, difficulty opening or closing the mouth, or difficulty talking, chewing, or swallowing; broken teeth or a potentially broken bone; or any oral/facial swelling, with or without fever. Call our main office phone number (310-552-4864) to describe the incident or condition to a member of our staff and seek advice and instructions for appropriate care, including, if indicated, an emergency visit to our office, or referral to a proper specialist, or the nearest emergency care facility. After hours, including nights and weekends, you may call our main office number to receive recorded instructions, including how to contact Dr. Robbins or the on-call pediatric dentist within our emergency-call group. In the event of serious or life-threatening injury, call 911.
Fee for Service and Direct Insurance Reimbursement
To enable Dr. Robbins and staff to dedicate as much time as possible to patient care, we operate a fee-for-service practice. When we opened our practice in 2001, we chose not to contract with any dental insurance providers, so that we can devote valuable time to our patients and minimize time spent on the administration of insurance claims and interaction with insurance companies.
Although we do not contract with any dental insurance providers, we provide you with a complete insurance reimbursement claim form (also called a “superbill”) upon check-out. All you will need to do is sign the form and submit it to your dental insurance provider so that your provider and reimbursement can process your claim, if applicable, can be made directly to you by your insurance provider. Please note that we do not accept assignment of insurance reimbursement as payment for services rendered. We do not administer the processing of insurance claims. If insurance providers mail payment to Dr. Hila Robbins, DMD., Inc., we will return these payments to insurance carriers. It is the patient’s responsibility to follow-up claim submissions with insurance providers.
Payment and Credit Card Usage Surcharge
All payments for services rendered are due and payable upon check-out at our office. This includes payments for visits when a child is accompanied by a responsible person other than a parent. We accept American Express, Visa, Mastercard and Discover, debit cards, checks, and cash. Patients can use Apple Pay, Google Pay, and we also offer online payments and mail-in payments for patients with an outstanding balance.
We apply a surcharge of 3.0% for credit card payments (not debit), which should appear on your paid walk-out statement.
Appointment Cancellation and Missed Appointments
We dedicate our appointment times to our patients. For a personal touch, we send out pre-appointment text reminders and, when appropriate, make pre-appointment phone calls to remind our patients about their upcoming appointments. To ensure that our patients have access to available appointment times, including last-minute availabilities, we require 48 hours advance notice of cancellations by telephone, text, or e-mail. Appointments canceled or missed without adequate advance notice may be subject to a $100 cancellation fee.